Jamek Mosque, Kuala Lumpur (1909)
A mosque of magnitude and importance on the neck land at the junction of Sungai Gombak and Sungai Klang. It is Kuala Lumpur’s primary mosque, built to accommodate the growing population of Kuala Lumpur, replacing the earlier Java Street Mosque nearby which was then demolished for the purpose of widening the street in which it was situated.
Hubback's Official Post/Role: Federal P.W.D Assistant Architect
Year Designed: 1908.
Laying of Foundation Stone: 23 March 1908 14 Safar 1336
The stone was of white Ipoh Marble and was lowered into position after 9 new coins (three sovereigns and six dollars) had been deposited under it.
Opening Ceremony: 23 December 1909 by Sultan Alaudin Suleiman, the Sultan of Selangor.
Contractor: Towkay Ang Seng | Cast iron spiral staircase at minarets by St. Pancras Ironworks Co.
Construction Cost: $33,538.25 Straits Dollars
Funded by the F.M.S Government, Sultan Suleiman Alaudin Suleiman Shah and collection by the Malay Members of the State Council.
Architectural Style: Mughal Eclectic
Brief Architectural Description: Onion-shaped Domes, Chatri spires, multiple kiosk-topped minarets.
“One of the finest example of this class of building in Malaya” -Resident of Selangor, Mr. H.C Belfield
- Accepted into the Royal Academy in 1913
- Featured in Building News, 13 December 1912
Alteration History: Bombed by Japanese on 26 September 1941, killing 3 worshippers and causing considerable damage to the building.
Original Use: Mosque
Original Building Type: Place of Assembly (Religious)
Current Name: Masjid Jamek Sultan Abdul Samad
Current Use: Mosque
Current Building Use: Place of Assembly (Religious)
Gazetted as Malaysia's National Heritage in 2009
Gazetted Name: Masjid Jamek
Measured Drawings:
1. Masjid Jamek, 1977 by KALAM Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
2. Masjid Jamek, 1978 by Hajeedar & Associates Sdn.
3. Masjid Jamek, 1999 by Fakulti Alam Bina, Universiti Malaya
The Malay Mail, 24 March 1908
The New Mosque. Laying of the Foundation Stone
The foundation stone of the new Mosque was laid yesterday afternoon by His Highness the Sultan of Selangor in the presence of a large number of spectators. Accompanies by Mr. H.C Belfield, the British Resident, the Sultan drove up to the Town Hall soon after two o’clock where a guard of honour composed of a detachment of police was drawn up to receive him. Leaving, his carriage the Sultan proceeded on foot to the site of the Mosque, inspecting the police on the way. He was accompanied by the British Resident, the Raja Muda, the ex-Sultan Abdullah of Perak and Mr. A.B Hubback (the architect) and was escorted by his body guard. The foundation stone occupied a prominent position in the centre of what will be the front of the Mosque. It is of white Ipoh marble with an Arabic inscription upon it of which the following is a translation:-
“The foundation stone of this Mosque was laid upon the fourteenth day of the Safar by the hand of the ruler of the State, Sultan Suleiman bin Almarhum, C.M.G, Dar-ul-Ehsan, at the time when Mr. H.C. Belfield was British Resident, Mr. A.B Hubback being the architect. ‘God fulfileth all’.
Round the stone a platform had been built, and standing upon this the Sultan made a speech in Malay of which the following is a translation:-
“Gentlemen, I heartily thank you for coming to this place to-day to attend the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of this Mosque. I think that this place of workshop will be of great benefit to the Mohammedan community which ought to be thankful for the selection of a suitable site on which the Mosque is being erected. The cost of this building when completed will amount to $33,000 towards which the Mohammedan community of Selangor has largely contributed. My thanks are due to the Penghulus and Malay officers who have taken a great interest in this matter, for which I am here God Almighty will reward them. It is my hope that the Mohammedan community, for whose welfare this Mosque is being constructed, welfare this Mosque is being constructed, will make a proper use of it by frequently coming to this Mosque to offer their coming to this Mosque to offer their prayers. I specifically thank the British Resident, Mr. H.C Belfield, for the great interest he took in this good work. I also thank Mr. Hubback for the splendid plan he prepared and for supervising the erection of the building:
The Sultan next proceeded to lay the stolen with a silver trowel presented to him in honour of the occasion by the Mohammedans of Selangor. This stone was lowered into position after 9 new coins (three sovereign and six dollars) had been deposited under it. The trowel bore the following inscription in English-
”Presented to HH Suleiman bin Almarhum, C.M.G, Sultan Selangor, by the Mohammedans of Selangor on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the Mosque at Kuala Lumpur, March 23rd, 1908.”
The ceremony was brought to an end by the recitation of a short prayer by the Chief Kathi, after which those on or near the platform were sprinkled with rose water. The Sultan then left, being escorted back to his carriage by his bodyguard. The State band was in attendance and played several selection before the ceremony took place.
After the proceedings in connection with the foundation stone were concluded, H.H. the Sultan and party proceeded to the Sa’adatul Islam Club, of which Raja Alang is president, where he was enthusiastically received. After tea and social intercourse a group photograph was taken of the members of the Club, and subsequently H.H the Sultan was photographed with the members in honor of his first visit to the Club.
His Highness left at 3 o’clock by train for the Istana, Klang.
Malay Mail, 24 December 1909
The New Mosque.
Opening Ceremony by the Sultan
Yesterday morning the new Malay Mosque in Kuala Lumpur, the foundation stone of which was laid last year, was formally opened by H.H the Sultan of Selangor, C.M.G. The approach to the Mosque from the turning of Batu Road, between Gombak Bridge and the Town Hall, had been decorated with evergreens and triumphal arches in honour of the occasion, while in the courtyard of the Mosque a handsome yellow silk canopy had been erected opposite the central door of the building for the accommodation of the Sultan during the opening ceremony, and another shelter had been put up for the European visitors. The guard of honour, composed of 50 policemen, accompanied by the State band, took up its position near the entrance to the courtyard about half past nine and by the time the Sultan arrived a large crowd of Malays, and of Mahomedans of other nationalities, had gathered to receive him. Among the spectators were a number of Europeans including a good many ladies. The Sultan, who was accompanied by Mr. H.C Belfield, C.M.G., British Resident of Selangor, and who was attended by the members of his suite and by his bodyguard of spearmen, inspected the guard of honour at 10 a.m, while the guns on the Police Hill fired salutes. After the inspection, the Sultan and the Resident, accompanied by a number of Mahomedan priests, proceeded into the courtyard, where they took up their position under the yellow canopy, followed by a number of people who crowded the courtyard.
The Sultan, having received the key (which was presented to him on a handsome yellow cushion) said that it gave him great pleasure to come up to Kuala Lumpur and open the Mosque in which, ever since the day when he had laid the foundation stone, he had taken a great interest. He was sorry that Mr. A.B Hubback could not be present but he was sure that they were all very grateful to him for the trouble he had taken. They were also very grateful to the Resident for all he had done. He was very pleased to see so many of his own faith present, and also to see so many Europeans taking an interest in what was, to him and the members of his religion, a very important event.
He then declared the Mosque open, and appointed Rajah Mahmoud the Nathir.
The Resident then made a brief speech in which he said he was very pleased to see the Sultan present in person to open the Mosque, and he called for three cheers for him.
When these had been given, the Resident withdrew from the canopy and the Mahomedans present, headed by the Sultan and the priests, went into the Mosque. At the conclusion of the ceremony the Sultan left the precincts accompanied by the British Resident.
Description of the Building.
The outward appearance of the new Mosque is by now quite familiar to inhabitants of this town, for it has been practically completed for some time, and we think there can be no doubt but that it is a distinct addition to the architectural features of Kuala Lumpur, though, as we remarked the other day, the building will gain considerably in dignity if a judicious use is made of the natural advantages of its situation. But though our readers may be familiar with the appearance of the building some details concerning it will probably prove interesting.
The Mosque, which has been built to the design of Mr. A.B Hubback, Architectural Assistant, P.W.D., who is at present on leave at Home, is in the Arabesque style, and consists of the Mosque itself (with the meh rap facing towards Mecca), 40 ft. deep and 100 ft. wide, and a courtyard in front, 56 ft deep and 101 ft. wide. At the two corners of the court-yard furthest from the Mosque are two minarets, each 88 ft. high and identical in design, with a spiral staircase leading to two circular galleries before the top one is reached. An arched wall encloses the courtyard on three sides, the Mosque being on the fourth, and in each of the walls there is an entrance. The inside of the courtyard is open, excepting in the centre where there is a bathing pool, and from it a flight of steps leads up to three double doors into the main building. These are the only doors, though there are windows with coloured glass the whole way round. The roof of the building opens into three domes, the centre one, which has clerestory with windows running around it, being 70 ft. in height. The materials used are brick with concrete castings and plaster, though the tree domes are made of timber covered with malthoid roofing, painted white, while the floor is paved with Doulton tiles, designed after the pattern of a Malay praying mat. The total cost of the building has been $ 87,000, and of this sum a portion was given by the Government, the rest being subscribed among Mahomedans themselves.
Inscription on Masjid Jamek's Foundation Stone
Kepada 19 Safar 1326 Sanah
al-Masihi 23 March 1908
Telah dimulai kaki tiang masjid ini dengan tangan Yang Maha Mulia al-Sultan ‘Alā’ al-Dīn Sulaymān Shāh, C.M.G Selangor Dār al-Iḥsān
Masa Yang Mulia H.C Belfield British Residen
Dan Tuan A.B Hubback Engineer
Allah jua yang Menyempurnakan
Transliteration completed with assistance from Amir Ashraf, Akademi Jawi Malaysia.
The foundation stone of this Mosque was laid upon the fourteenth day of Safar by the hand of the ruler of the State, Sultan Suleiman bin Almarhum, C.M.G, Dar-ul-Ehsan, at the time when Mr. H.C Belfield was British Resident, Mr. A.B Hubback being the architect. ‘God fulfilleth all’.
Translation as published in Malay mail, 24 March 1908
Letter of Appreciation to A.B Hubback from Sultan Alaudin Suleiman
A.B Hubback Ksq:
I am glad to inform you that the new Mosque at Kuala Lumpur had been completed and it had been declared opened on 23rd December 1909 by me.
I am very glad to say that the building had been completed to my satisfaction.
I thank you for the trouble you have taken in supervising the work.
Hoping you are well, long may you live.
Translation as appeared in the same document:
Daripada Sultan Alaeddin Sulaiman Shah Yang di Pertuan Selangor.
Kepada Tuan A.B Hubback A.R.I.B.A didalam negeri England kemudian daripada puji-pujian.
Wibawanya daripada itu Beta tunaikan kepada sahabat Beta adapun Mesjid baharu yang di KualaLumpur itu telah habis dan kepada 23 har- ibulan Disember 1909 telah Beta buka Mesjid itu.
Makanya dengan sukahati Beta akan Mesjid itu telah siap dengan sempurnanya. Dan Beta mem- beri terima kasih kepada sahabat Beta kerana usaha sahabat Beta dengan jagaan sahabat Beta telah habis pekerjaan ini dengan sepuas-puas hati Beta.
Adanya serta diharap akan sahabat Beta selamat umur panjang adanya tammat.
Termaktub kepada surat ini didalam opis (office) Sultan Mahkota, pada 10 haribulan Januari 1910.
The Building News No. 3023, 13 December 1912, p829
Mosque, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor
This mosque has been built for the use of the Mohammedan people in the State of Selangor, and is situated at the junction of the Gombak and Klang rivers, in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of the Federated Malay States. It is constructed of brick, with cast concrete minaret and ornament. The domes are finished with Malthoid roofing and the floor is laid with Doulton’s tiles, designed to represent the praying-mats in use amongst the Malays. The architect is Mr. A.B Hubback, F.R.I.B.A., Government Architect to the Federated Malay States.

Photo owned by MIKL

ANM Acc. No. 2001/0039933

Photo Courtesy of Mariana Isa. Purchased from KITLV Universiteit Leiden (Ref No: KLV001096839)

ANM Acc. No. 2001/0039926

ANM Acc. No. 2001/0062989

Source: The Building News No. 3023, 13 December 1912, p829

Kepada 19 Safar 1326 Sanah al-Masihi 23 March 1908 Telah dimulai kaki tiang masjid ini dengan tangan Yang Maha Mulia al-Sultan ‘Alā’ al-Dīn Sulaymān Shāh, C.M.G Selangor Dār al-Iḥsān Masa Yang Mulia H.C Belfield British Residen Dan Tuan A.B Hubback Engineer Allah jua yang Menyempurnakan Transliteration completed with assistance from Amir Ashraf, Akademi Jawi Malaysia.